Category Archives: Botany Bay

Charleston Churches-Charleston Photographic Workshop

The churches in and around Charlestons  are some of the oldest in our country and the photographic opportunities are amazing. I found the ruins of this old church during my last visit to Charleston and am looking forward to spend more time photographing the grounds during next springs photographic location workshop.

Sheldon Church processed using Nik HDR efex pro 2

Sheldon Church processed using Nik HDR efex pro 2

 To process this image I used the Deep 1 preset in Nik software HDR Efex Pro 2

Sheldon Church processed using Nik HDR efex pro 2

Sheldon Church processed using Nik HDR efex pro 2

All images need a little post processing. If an image is exposed properly it can be turned into a great image you can hang on your wall in a few minutes. This is the unprocessed raw CR2 file that took me 10 minutes to process.

Canon Raw CR2 file

Canon Raw CR2 file

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Botany Bay – Boneyard Beach Workshop April 2-3 2015

Botany Bay_Boneyard South Carolina

Botany Bay_Boneyard South Carolina

Next spring On April 2-3 2015 I am going to be giving a 1 day workshop at Botany Bay also known as the Boneyard just South of Charleston, South Carolina. This will immediately follow the Charleston Spring workshop March 29th through April 2nd 2015. The Bone Yard which is over an hour drive from where we stay in Charleston is too far to drive back and forth for either a sunrise or sunset location shoot.  Several clients have been asking to spend time in the Bone Yard and I have decided to schedule a one day class immediately following the Charleston workshop to enjoy this rugged stretch on National Seashore on Edisto Island.

Botany Bay_Boneyard South Carolina

Botany Bay_Boneyard South Carolina